• Mirror formula,  Magnification
  • Lens formula magnification
  •  Power of Lens
  • DEFINITION- pole, focal length, radius of curvature
  • Human eye diagram, function detects ( myopia , hypermetropia ,presbyopia)
  • Prism – dispersion (example-Rainbow)
  • Diagrams
  • All Formula
  • Ohm’ s Law ( graph : V-I graph ,other graphs)
  • Factors affecting resistance (R=pI/ a)
  • Series/ Parallel combinations
  • Power/heating Effect Joule’s law

                                     CHEMICAL REACTIONS

  • Balancing the Chemical Equations
  • Types of Chemical Reaction & Examples
  • Oxidation & Reduction

                                      ACID ,BASES AND SALTS

  • Chemical reaction of Acids & Bases

M+ acid->Gas->Hydrogenation of Oil

  • pH Scale
  • Chlo Alkali Process
  • Salts & Chemical formula

{ POP, Washing, baking soda }

                                   METALS & NON-METALS

  • Physical Properties
  • Chemical Reactions of Metals
  • Reactivity series – Reaction & give reasons
  • Metallurgy
  •  Metal extraction (calcination/ roasting)
  • Ore and Gangue

                             CARBON & ITS COMPOUNDS

  • Electron dot structure –
  • Formaldehyde
  • Methanol
  • Acetone
  • Ethanol
  • Acetic Acid
  • IUPAC Names
  • Isomerism
  • Functional Groups
  • Esterification & Saponification

                                              MAGNETIC EFFECT

  • Magnetic field due to current carrying straight conductor
  • Magnetic field – solenoid
  • Fleming Left Hand Rule

                                           OUR ENVIRONMENT

  • Ecosystem-types
  • Food Chain & Food Wed
  • Trophic Level
  • Ozone depletion


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